Tuesday 10 October 2017

Metallurgy MCQs For NEET (Sunny Coaching Classes Ludhiana) 08566833393

No. 1 Coaching Center For NEET

        08566833393, 09779604098

Metallurgy MCQs Practice Sheet 1

1. Which one of the following is not an ore of aluminium?
(a)    Bauxite
(b)    Corundum
(c)    Epsomite
(d)    Cryolite
2. Aluminium metal is purified by:
(a)    Hoo;e’s process
(b)    Hall’s process
(c)    Serpeck’s process
(d)    Baeyer’s process
3. In the alumino – thermite process, Al acts as
(a)    An oxidising agent
(b)    A flux
(c)    Solder
(d)    A reducing agent
4. Which of the following reaction forms the basis of Goldschmith alumino – thermite process?
(a)    2Al + N2
® 2AIN
(b)    2Al + 3Cl2
® 2AlCl3
(c)    2Al + 6HCl ® 2AlCl3 + 3H2
(d)    2Al + Fe2O3
® Al2O3 + 2Fe
5. The function of fluorspar in the electrolytic reduction of alumina dissolved in fused cryolite (Na3AlF6) is:
(a)    As a catalyst
(b)    To lower the temperature of the melt and to make fused mixture very conducting
(c)    To decrease the rate of oxidation of carbon at the anode
(d)    None of the above
6. Copper is extracted from sulphide ore using the method
(a)    Carbon reduction
(b)    Carbon monoxide reduction
(c)    Auto reduction
(d)    None of these
7. In the extraction of copper from copper pyrites, iron is removed as
(a)    FeSO4
(b)    FeSiO3
(c)    Fe3O4
(d)    Fe2O3
8. Froth floatation process is used for the concentration of the ore of
(a)    Fe
(b)    Al
(c)    Cr
(d)    Cu
9. In the extraction of copper, metal is formed in the Bassemer converted due to reaction
(a)    Cu2S + 2Cu2® 6Cu + SO2
(b)    Cu2S + 2Cu + S
(c)    Fe + Cu2® 6Cu + FeO
(d)    2Cu2® 4Cu + O2
10. High purity copper metal is obtained by
(a)    Carbon reduction
(b)    Hydrogen reduction
(c)    Electrolytic reduction
(d)    Thermite reduction
11. Silica is added to roasted copper ore during extraction in order to remove
(a)    Cuprous sulphide
(b)    Ferrous oxide
(c)    Ferrous sulphide
(d)    Cuprous oxide
12. In the electrolytic refining of copper, Ag and Au are found
(a)    On anode
(b)    In electrolyte solution
(c)    In anode mud
(d)    In cathode mud
13. Blister copper is
(a)    Pure copper
(b)    Ore of copper
(c)    Alloy of copper
(d)    Impure copper
14. Silver can be separated from lead by
(a)    Fractional crystallization
(b)    Amalgamation
(c)    Cupellation
(d)    Addition of zinc (Parke’s method)
15. Percentage of silver in the alloy german silver is
(a)    2.5%
(b)    1.5%
(c)    10 %
(d)    0%
16. AgCl on fusion with sodium carbonate, gives
(a)    Ag2CO3
(b)    Ag2O
(c)    Ag
(d)    Ag2C2
17. An alloy which does not contain copper is
(a)    Bronze
(b)    Magnalium
(c)    Brass
(d)    Bell metal
18. Cinnabar is the ore of
(a)    Zn
(b)    Cd
(c)    Hg
(d)    Ag
19. Heamatite ore is concentrated by
(a)    Gravity separation method
(b)    Forth floatation
(c)    Amalgamation
(d)    Hand picking
20. The material mixed before ore is subjected for smelting in the extraction of iron are
(a)    Cake and silica
(b)    Coke and limestone
(c)    Limestone and silica
(d)    Coke, limestone and silika

Answer keys:
1.    c    2.    a    3.    d    4.    d    5.    b
6.    c    7.    b    8.    d    9.    a    10.    c
11.    b    12.    c    13.    d    14.    d    15.    d
16.    c    17.    b    18.    c    19.    a    20.    b

No. 1 Coaching Center For NEET

        08566833393, 09779604098