Saturday 19 August 2017

All you need to know about SAARC For UPSC NDA (by SSC ludhiana)


UPSC NDA–  SAARC (Association for Regional Cooperation in South Asia)

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, SAARC ( Eng. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation – SAARC) – economic and political organization of eight countries in South Asia.
In terms of population it is the largest regional organization, accounting for about 1.6 billion people.
It was formed in December 1985 to promote cooperation in the socio-economic sphere of the state of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka.
In April 2007, at the 14th summit of SAARC as its eighth member to the organization joined Afghanistan. Currently, the headquarters of the organization is located in Kathmandu ( Nepal ).
The latest 18th SAARC Summit was held in Kathmandu (Nepal).
Headquarters  ->   Kathmandu ( Nepal )
Largest cities  ->   Kabul , Delhi , Dhaka , Islamabad
Participating countries   ->  8 + 2
Official language   ->  EN
Secretary-general    -> Arjun Bahadur Thapa ( Nepal )
Declaration of regional cooperation in South Asia – 8 December 1985
Other information
Currency     AFG ; BDT ; BTN ; INR ; MVR ; NPR ; PKR ; LKR
Know all you need to know about the SAARC. You will get all the information about It’s history, purpose, its relevance and more …
The present era is the era of co-operation and strengthening international relations. With the process of globalization, different countries of the world are coming together and forming different bodies, alliance for mutual advantages. Different nations in a certain global region unite with a common platform, share and co-operate among themselves. Also they discuss their problems and work together to achieve their goals. SAARC is one such organisation.
 Meaning Of SAARC:
SAARC stands for South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation. As it’s clear form the name SAARC is a regional platform for co-operation. SAARC member countries are Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Maldives, Bhutan and Srilanka. Recently Afganistan has been recognized as one of the eight members of SAARC nation. Besides, UN, OIC, EU, China have got the observer status of SAARC.
Origin And History:
SAARC was originally an idea conceived by the Late President of Bangladesh, Ziaur Rahman. In order to form a co-operative family of Bangladesh with their neighbor countries, he toured the seven countries in 1980 and tried to convince the head of the states to come under the same umbrella where they could work to solve their common problems. His dreams finally started materializing in 1981 when the foreign secretaries of seven countries met in Colombo to decide the field of co-operation. Agriculture, rural developments, tele-communications, weather, health and family planning, poverty alleviation and scientific development were set as the fields of co-operation. But it was not until 1985 that SAARC started its marching steps ahead.
 SAARC Summits:
SAARC summits are the regular meetings of the heads of the SAARC states. The first summit of SAARC was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 7 December 1985.The next summit was held in Bangalore at the end of the year 1986.In this summit, it was decided that a permanent secretariat would be set up in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. The third summit was held in Kathmandu, Nepal in 1987, the fourth in Islamabad in 1988, fifth in Maldives in 1990.The sixth summit was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 1991.The subsequent summits were held by rotation of the SAARC states excluding Bhutan. Bangladesh hosted second SAARC summits in 1993 and the third in 2005.The14th summit was held in India in 2007. In the Dhaka summit in 2005, Afganistan was given the membership status and Japan and China were given the status of observer states.
SAARC And its Importance:
All the SAARC countries have a common and shared history. Apart from history, SAARC countries have some other shared interests and problems. It is the world’s most densely populated region and one of the most fertile areas. Besides, SAARC countries have common regions, tradition, dress, food and culture and political aspects. The most important of all the SAARC countries have common problems and issues like poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, natural disasters, internal conflicts, industrial and technological backwardness, low GDP and poor socio-economic condition and uplift their living standard.
SAARC Achievement And Failures:
SAARC is comparatively a new organization in the global area. Though it’s achievements are many, it has had it’s own share of failures. However, SAARC countries have started working to establish a Free Trade Area (FTA), which will increase their internal trade and lessen the trade gap of some states considerably. They have also agreed to establish a SAARC university in India, a food bank in Pakistan and also an energy reserve. However, it’s failures are that it has not yet been able to solve internal regional conflicts, ensure regional security, reduce poverty and develop a pre-warning system of natural disasters by sharing information. It has also failed to increase trade among SAARC nations and co-operate in other areas.
Whatever the gains of SAARC so far may be it is the only platform where the state leaders meet and discuss issues. SAARC is an organization of about 1.50 billion people. It is their hope and aspiration. It is up to the SAARC leaders to work together for a developed, peaceful and prosperous South Asia.